Born in Melbourne. Micro Specialty Coffee Roaster in Sapporo, Hokkaido.
Hokkaido, like specialty coffee, is about integrating yourself with high quality locally-made products. At Dryburgh Coffee Roasters, we do this by connecting our specialty-grade coffee to the farms through our roastery in Sapporo. All our coffee 100% Arabica and roasted in 400g micro batches. We limit the number of coffees on our menu, as we believe in keeping our coffees seasonally fresh. Currently, we do not have our own store, but you can visit one of the cafes using Dryburgh Coffee or buy online and get free delivery anywhere in Japan from our online store!
2015年当時ノースメルボルンのドライバーグストリートに住んでいた私は、自宅のガレージでコーヒー豆の焙煎を始めました。趣味で始めた焙煎でしたが、もっと美味しいコーヒーを作りたいという想いから世界のコーヒー文化を見て回り、実際にベルリンで働いたり、イタリアでコーヒーの勉強をしたり、アメリカでもコールドブリュー(水出しコーヒー)の販売の経験をしました。 世界を旅して更なる進化を遂げたドライバーグコーヒーロースターズの味を札幌から発信します。
What started as a garage hobby back in 2015, on Dryburgh St., Melbourne, Australia, has evolved into a passion for the art of roasting coffee. From this humble beginning folded out a plan to expand our view on the process and to circle the world with a focus on coffee. Whether it was working in Berlin cafes, exploring the coffee culture of Italy or selling cold brew in New England, USA, it was all about the coffee! Now we’ve settled in Hokkaido, Japan to open our own roastery, Dryburgh Coffee Roasters. We hope you enjoy the taste of our travel inspired coffee.
At Dryburgh Coffee Roasters, we believe that every coffee offers a different story and experience. By directly sourcing all our specialty-grade coffee, we connect our 100% Arabica beans directly to the farm. Below is the breakdown of our two categories of coffee, or check out our store.
スペシャルティコーヒーは、SCAJ(日本スペシャリティーコーヒー協会)またはCOE(カップ・オブ・エクセレンス)でカッピングされ評価されたコーヒーで、100ポイントから採点されます。このスコアは、香り、味、酸味、コク、および甘味に基づいています。 80ポイント以上はスペシャルティコーヒーと見なされ、80〜84.9ポイントのコーヒーは「非常に良い」と見なされます。
Specialty coffee are coffees cupped and evaluated by SCAJ (Specialty Coffee Association of Japan) or COE (Cup of Excellence) are scored out of 100 points. The score is based on aroma, taste, acidity, body, and sweetness. Any coffee that scores above 80 points is considered specialty coffee, with coffees scoring between 80 and 84.9 points being regarded as ‘Very good’
Premium specialty coffees a grade higher than regular specialty coffee. Premium specialty coffees are those that score between 85 and 89.9 points on the cupping table, and are regarded as “Excellent” coffees.