

日本語 [English below]



このグアテマラは、フローラル、アップル、オレンジのフレーバーを組み合わせた浅煎りです。 なめらかで甘く、大変飲みやすいコーヒーです。美味しさとなめらかさと芳醇な香りのコーヒーをお探しの方は、この美しいコーヒーをお試しください。オンラインの注文はこちらからで、他のコーヒーはこちらからでお願い致します。

English [日本語は上]

Introducing our fall special from Huehuetenango, Guatemala El Injerto.

Guatemala’s rich volcanic soil, cool temperature, and high altitude makes it the ideal place to grow coffee. In a country with loads of great coffee, the El Injerto coffee plantation ranks high every in the Guatemalan specialty coffee competition. Like all of our specials, this coffee has scored above 85 points on the cupping table, marking it as a “Top Specialty Coffee,” a grade higher than regular “Specialty Coffee.”

This Guatemalan is light roasted with a mix of floral, apple, and orange flavors. It’s smooth and sweet, making it an easy to drink coffee. Order online here, or check out our other coffees here.